Comments on: What 2018 PISA international rankings tell us about U.S. schools Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Sun, 29 May 2022 16:43:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Means Sun, 29 May 2022 16:43:32 +0000 A large part of the learning experience of any particular student comes from fellow students, working alongside and even together to solve problems, natural problems arising around them, not puzzles. Teachers and curriculum are important, alongside resource experts and real life exposures offered by the professions and artists.

By: George Wrigley Mon, 06 Dec 2021 12:59:48 +0000 It is criminal that the wealthiest communities get the most money and resources for their children while poorer districts struggle to get the bare basics. Schools need to be financed with federal funds with all schools being treated equally.

By: Ida Brooks Sun, 13 Jun 2021 16:29:18 +0000 I challenge the people who did this study to teach to all children the same material at the same rate without “dumbing down” the curriculum!
In order to teach the same curriculum to all, should we slow down the rate at which we teach children to accommodate lower achieving children? That is punishment to those capable of more. As a teacher and educational consultant for over 30 years, I was taught to individualize teaching to the student. That is far from teaching uniformly. Gifted students master material very quickly and become bored when you don’t challenge them. Struggling students become frustrated and feel inadequate when you teach above the level that they are capable of handling. To teach the same material at the same rate to either group is a recipe for turning students off to learning and in many cases acting out. It is important that teachers determine what material students are ready to handle and at what rate they should present that material based on achievement at the time they are teaching and not on social equity. You are well intentioned but you have not experienced the classroom. All children should have equal access to good facilities, teachers, and books, but curriculum and placement of students must consider the individual students as a priority!
