Comments on: Congress is starting to tackle student mental health Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Sat, 09 Jul 2022 17:46:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harold A Maio Sat, 09 Jul 2022 17:46:40 +0000 —-the stigma around these issues

Why do you suppose we keep supporting those taught and teaching us to say there is a stigma to mental health issues when we help no one in repeating it but them? Is it actually our intent to help them?

—-from one authority

“Stigma” has been used as an all-purpose term for the negative attitudes faced by people with behavioral health issues. However, increasingly reporters** are using more precise terms,such as “prejudice”, “bias”, “social exclusion”, or “discrimination”.

** I cannot think of when it is warranted to accommodate anyone directing a stigma, or to use less than precise language. HM

A captioned podcast when you have time: STARR Podcast Harold April 2021 – YouTube

Harold A Maio, retired mental health editor
