Comments on: Luring Covid-cautious parents back to school Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Sun, 03 Apr 2022 16:17:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cherie Weening Sun, 03 Apr 2022 16:17:25 +0000 I found this article very helpful. My currently 6th grade and 12th grader have been learning virtually for the last two years and we are looking to returning to school for the first time this coming fall. Here in NC we are part of the 10% that stayed virtual this year. I understand that most of the 10% virtual returned to school in January so there will be no virtual options available next year. I do not trust that the school will follow the safety measures because they aren’t currently. Transmission rates are above 5%, this new variant is more contagious and lasts longer on surfaces, and yet masks are optional. It seems that laws have been passed to ban a single day of virtual school, decisions have been made not to test and I feel the whole system is too slow to react to increases in cases. Schools have done away with the social distancing and sanitizing. Yes we have vaccines but they only protect you well for months so you will have gaps. Your protection. I feel like we’ve gotten to the point in the storm where we’ve waited so long and it could be almost over, but we are tired of waiting so we are going to run and take our chances. I was so grateful for virtual learning this year. My sons outperformed and I want them to get back to school, life and friends, but I am fearful of bringing covid into our home.
