Comments on: ‘The reckoning is here’: More than a third of community college students have vanished Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Mon, 08 May 2023 16:27:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Giovanni Magginetti Wed, 03 May 2023 00:11:44 +0000 As a CC professor… Yes, about half the students that sign up drop out. This doesn’t surprise me at all. CC is a filtering system. Many students simply do not have the aptitude, work ethic, drive, or commitment to get a four year degree. Many are pushed against their will by parents; many enter for one reason but change their minds so take longer; many have money or childcare or transportation or work related problems and drop out; but mostly it’s just a lack of commitment; students show up thinking this is high school and we’ll just pass them, and drop out when that isn’t the case. In order to get into a four year college you need good grades, a high SAT score, and financial support. For CC you need… nothing. We’ll take anyone. So OF COURSE students are more likely to drop out or take longer to graduate. Comparing CC to four year is utter nonsense, as they are not remotely the same thing.
