Comments on: How many Cardi B Birkin bags does it take to improve math scores? Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Sun, 24 Dec 2023 12:10:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: nicole satrape Sun, 24 Dec 2023 12:10:48 +0000 I believe that this is a game- changing education movement for diverse kids and/or adults.

By: Katherine Reardon Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:42:25 +0000 Why not use Beyoncé ‘s recent Renaissance Tour financials? Ask the important question as to why are people who live within the poverty level income giving their money to Billionaires?

By: Bryan Hill Sat, 23 Dec 2023 23:39:02 +0000 This is in reply to the commenter, who self-identified as Rashida Wone.

I don’t think that the issue of understanding for the teachers themselves.
The mathematics itself within the classes taught in middle and high school are highly fundamental and can be logically reasoned.

If you have passed calculus, which I have, the rational, trigonometric and polynomial functions along with of high school becomes almost intuitive.

The real problem to me, is due to the inherent limitations of the human condition.

Work sucks, at least in its present state in the 21st century.
Mental exertion is generally unpleasant, and teaching requires a lot of it.

To survive the day, teachers have to limit their output to protect their mental health and to have a balanced life.

By: Eric Hansen Fri, 22 Dec 2023 21:41:17 +0000 As a middle school math teacher, and as someone familiar with Cardi B’s songs (I also DJ our dances and have to preview music requests beforehand), I’m appalled that anyone would hold this woman up as an example to use for teaching math. Aside from her inappropriate for kids lyrics, do these teachers assume because they have a racially homogeneous group of students, that all these kids can relate to this vulgar hip-hop/rapper? There are plenty of ways to relate to and engage students without stereotyping our students. I teach in a rural area, but wouldn’t dream of making all my students do math based around the some extravagant country singer, or Taylor Swift’s lifestyle, even if all my kids were White, because that would be ridiculous. Even if Cardi B wasn’t basically porn put to music, and someone who actually had a positive message for kids, there will be students who are not at all interested in her or her handbags, even if they are all of the same skin color and in the inner city of NY. Why force them to be part of that?

By: Rashida Wone Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:08:28 +0000 This is not a letter but a comment. I believe that many teachers are reluctant to help change the math models and ways of teaching because they themselves don’t get the math. Teachers are in need of a higher standard of education themselves. I am a homeschooling mom and a Network Marketing Professional. I deal with many teachers who want to earn more to become financially free and follow their dreams. They have a desire to leave a financial legacy for their children. BUT they are difficult to teach. They do not understand math as they should and are asking obvious questions. They also lack the desire to explore which leads them to stagnation and really asking the same questions that many of the more quick thinkers have caught on to sometimes weeks ahead of them. I am in no way meaning to insult but I think higher standards should be put in place for the education of the children in a new technology age . I would suggest paid Summer “no shame, upping my math game” workshops for teachers. This idea should be extended to reading and technology too.
