Comments on: Rural schools have a teacher shortage. Why don’t people who live there, teach there? Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Thu, 10 Feb 2022 20:56:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel P. Leinberger Fri, 16 Apr 2021 15:30:23 +0000 Neal Morton,

Hello! My name is Daniel P. Leinberger and I am a student teacher at Northern Kentucky University, and I really appreciated your study & research on rural schools and the teacher shortage. As a K-12 student, I had always been at a rural school that did not necessarily have a teacher shortage; however, the turnover rate was high and I was never certain if the same teachers would be around in the following academic year. It was quite frequent that the teachers whom I was assigned to would change from when we received our schedules in late May and when we (the students) arrived during the first week of August. Great post on a topic that hits close to home to me! Also, I hope to teach in a small, rural city too! Hopefully my hometown!

-Daniel L. 🙂
