Comments on: STUDENT VOICE: ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bills will make it harder for teachers to support students like me Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Mon, 27 Jun 2022 21:20:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clint Murr Mon, 27 Jun 2022 21:20:32 +0000 Dear Amaris Ramey, your article is false and gets the so-called, “Don’t Say Gay” bill mixed up. That name does not exist, it is it not called ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ it is called the “Parental Rights in Education” bill. The word “gay” is not mentioned once in the bill. It is to prevent carnal, licentious LGBTQ+ dogma to K-3. The majority of Democrats, Independents and Republicans deny this bill for many reasons:
1. It’s indoctrination!
2. Kids don’t need to learn about sexual-orientation, sexual subjects, gender identity, LGBTQ+ cultist dogma, and more.
3. LGBTQ+ is unscientific, it’s a religion that has ambivalence, it’s societal, not factual or grounded in any reason, it’s a mental illness that is glorified, it should have no reason to be in school for kindergartners or third-graders.

Older people and adolescents are okay to be suffocated with this crap, but not toddlers, kids and anything of such! If they want help with their mental illness, then they can seek a therapist, a doctor, an LGBTQ+ club or whatever. Keep it out of schools just like religion!

I hope you can come to realize that the media makes caricatures about anything to be advantageous and to quantify their message. The “Don’t Say Gay Bill” never existed until the radical-media twisted it so it can fit their narrative and strategy. They’ll ostracize anyone who doesn’t conform to their ridiculous beliefs, same with radical-right religious people!

Wake up!

