Comments on: OPINION: The pandemic has dashed and deferred too many college dreams Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:20:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mrs. Simpson Fri, 03 Dec 2021 18:44:37 +0000 Hello,
I could not believe coming across this article. I know, that I may be one in a million, but, this hit HOME! My dear grandson’s college dreams, were thrown out the window. He is so very low in spirit (I don’t want to use the other word). Thank you for bringing this up. Had he graduated outside of the pandemic, I believe he would have made it. It is so very hard to watch dreams deferred and because he is at a tender age, it seems like he is about to give up.

Thank you thank you! He’s now left with the loans, even though he barely made two (2) semesters. I could imagine (and could understand) what other families are going through – watching their loved ones struggle with a world-wide pandemic. I wanted more for my only grandson (his future)! Covid-19 came and made it much more difficult for this type of student to succeed. I am not blaming the college for all that transpired, but, without Covid-19, (in my opinion), he would have stood a better chance at trying to succeed and become a contributor to society.

Thank you for listening! Seems like no one cares about the outcome of some students, such as this young man who went to school with an IEP. I signed a FERPA agreement, but still was not kept up to date with everything. The college took all my phone calls, were very good to me/him in the beginning, then, things fell apart. Your article made my day!
