Comments on: PROOF POINTS: Fixing online credit recovery remains elusive Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:23:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jenni Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:23:50 +0000 Thank you for highlighting the issues around credit recovery. Helping high school students get to the finish line is no easy task once they have experienced failure. This focus on credit recovery around very specific content continues to feed the education system built for the budding industrial era, not one built for the 21st Century and beyond. Students have landed with this need for extra time on learning for myriad reasons, we must be able to offer myriad solutions, which usually include multiple caring adults. Blended learning when done well can certainly help. Look at the work from The Modern Classrooms Project. However, until we put Social & Emotional Learning as an equal in our expectations to traditional academics we will continue to struggle to meet the needs of our struggling students. One school in Salem, MA, New Liberty Innovation School, requires high school students to demonstrate competence in a collection of “Essential Habits” from Goal Setting, Persistence, Sensible (decision making), Organization – to name a few. A student cannot graduate without demonstrating growth and competence in the Essential Habits. Students repeatedly thank the school for giving them the tools to manage themselves and their relationships outside of school so they can focus on “traditional” academics. The work takes time and patience, and maybe more than the traditional four years. Our push for personalized learning, should also come with a push for personalized graduation dates and maybe even requirements.
